3 Tips to Beat The Bulge this Holiday Season

It’s that time of the year again when family gatherings, reunions and endless celebrations take place over copious amounts of food and drinks. After working hard for a whole year to get to where you are in your health and fitness goals, don’t let your efforts go down the drain. Here are three quick tips to beat the bulge this festive season:
Take long walks after a big meal
Get off the couch right after a long lunch (which probably also extended into dinner). It may be tempting to fall into a food coma, but by simply taking long brisk walks after every meal, you will keep your metabolism fired up which, in turn, will minimize weight gain.
Involve the whole clan!
If there are young kids in the family, play with them and turn the games into exercise. Holiday-themed races are a good example of such activities. For instance, make a game out of it and do squats, lunges and sit ups with the kids and young cousins, play running races with them, or get outside to ride your bikes or play at the park.  Get involved with them! 
Keep moving
Don’t stop moving – 10 sets of crunches here, 10 push-ups there, another 10 sets of burpees there – you get the idea. Sneaking these little movements in whenever possible will help maintain your metabolism and keep your muscles engaged, which will help fat-burning.
At the end of the day, bonding with family and friends can also be done beyond the dining table through fitness activities you can all enjoy.
Message brought to you by Anytime Fitness!

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