Counting down the days to FM League Nationals and Asia Championship!
FM League Asia Championship 2017 now in its fifth year running, is Singapore’s longest running physique sports championship. Today, it features one of the largest prize purses in the region with over US$50,000 in cash.
FM League continues to lead the industry in promoting local athletes and evolving the physique sports in Singapore. This year they will be having their biggest events yet featuring the most athletes and some intense rivalries amongst the champions and contenders.
The competitive event will see former national champions contesting against each other on top of the many others who will be competing for the title this year.
FM League Asia Championship is the largest of its kind, featuring over 150 athletes from Singapore and the across Asia.
Held on 22 October at the MES Theatre at Mediacorp, tickets to the FM League Nationals 2017 and the FM League Asia Championship can be purchased online here , AXS Stations or by calling the hotline at +65 3152 9333. See you there!